Between 5 January and 6 March 2024, Azura conducted systematic line-transect aerial surveys to determine the distribution and relative abundance of large whales off the coasts of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. The study area ranged from the New York Bight to south of Virginia Beach, Virginia. The primary target of these surveys was North Atlantic right, sei, humpback, fin, sperm, and minke whales. The tracklines ran roughly perpendicular to the coast and included waters as deep as 600 feet. We sighted right, humpback, minke, fin, and sperm whales during our survey. We recorded a total of 11 right whale sightings during late January and early March, and 16 individual right whales were matched to the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium catalog. Of these individuals, half were females and half were males. Only one individual (#3532 [male] “Resolution”) was sighted during multiple days. Right whale behaviors observed included travel, surface feeding, and subsurface feeding. Coordinated feeding events were observed off Cape May and north of Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. We also witnessed two surface active groups, each with three individuals, off Virginia. Dynamic Management Area were initiated in areas where three or more right whales were observed. This research was conducted in compliance with the NMFS Research Permit No. 27066 and under contract to the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Results of this study will inform regulations to mitigate impacts of commercial fishing, vessel traffic, and wind energy development on right whales and other large whales protected under the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act.

MMPA Permit #27066