Azura’s team includes professional editors who enjoy helping others communicate their work and ideas in a clear and concise manner. We have written, edited, and reviewed numerous technical documents for various clients, colleagues, friends, and peer-reviewed scientific journals.
We are experts in surface-level editing of mechanics (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, italics usage, number expression) and deep substantive editing (conciseness, clarity, logic of ideas, logic of transitions, word choice, smoothness of expression). We are particularly adept at providing high quality editing services to clients whose primary language is not English.
Azura’s professional editing services are precisely tailored to both individuals and businesses. From resumes to government contract proposals, we provide the strict attention to detail to ensure that you present the best form of yourself to your audience.
Our editing services include, but are not limited to, the following:
Businesses | |
Individuals | |
“No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else’s draft.”
~ H.G. Wells