Under NOAA’s ProTech Fisheries IDIQ contract, Azura was recently contracted by NOAA Fisheries to provide research services in support of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), Protected Species Branch (PSB) with offices in Woods Hole, Massachusetts and in Orono, Maine.
This Branch conducts research on the distribution, ecological relationships, and human interactions with protected species that live or migrate off the northeastern U.S. The protected species that are the focus of these studies include cetaceans, pinnipeds, seabirds, sea turtles, and salmon.
In partnership with Integrated Statistics Inc., Azura is providing research, analyses, and outreach to support PSB operations. Support includes, but is not limited to, the collection and analysis of acoustic data of marine mammals, fishes, and anthropogenic noise; shipboard and aerial surveys of protected species; sea turtle necropsies; salmon tagging; database management; report writing; fishing gear testing and modifications; web support; education and outreach. New employment opportunities for this contract will be posted here.