In January, Azura CEO Amy Whitt participated in the Ocean Policy Working Group’s (OPWG) Seminar Series. OPWG is co-sponsored by the Nicholas School of the Environment and the Duke University Center for International & Global Studies and aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary discussions and collaborations that explore the political, economic, scientific, and cultural dimensions of human interactions with the ocean. This Seminar Series allows current Duke students the opportunity to engage with professionals who work to address current issues involving the global oceans and the impact of these issues on marine policy and ocean governance. In her virtual presentation “Marine conservation & consulting: The merging of two passions”, Duke alum Amy described what it is like to work in the environmental consulting industry and how her career path led to founding Azura which ties together business and marine/ocean conservation. She described some of Azura’s environmental compliance services, including conducting marine protected species research, assessing impacts of human activities on marine resources, and conducting monitoring and mitigation to minimize those impacts. The session ended with an open discussion about current marine conservation issues and tips for pursuing a career in environmental consulting.