During February and early March, Azura conducted systematic line-transect aerial surveys to determine the distribution and relative abundance of large whales off the coast of Virginia, Delaware, and New Jersey. The primary target of these surveys was North Atlantic right, sei, humpback, fin, and minke whales. The Chesapeake Survey Area consisted of 10 east-west tracklines extending offshore of the Chesapeake Bay entrance to the 100-fathom contour. The Delaware Survey Area consisted of 20 east-southeast/west-northwest tracklines extending offshore of Delaware Bay to the 100-fathom contour and including waters off southern New Jersey. We sighted right, humpback, fin, and sperm whales during our survey. Our three right whale sightings were all recorded in the Delaware Survey Area. Two right whales (#1506 [male] and #5070 [unknown sex]) and a single right whale (2021 calf of #3020) were seen traveling north off Ocean City, New Jersey. We witnessed a surface active group of three right whales off the mouth of Delaware Bay. This group included a female (#3420 [“Platypus”]) and two males (#3892 and #3333). A Dynamic Management Area was subsequently initiated in this area. This research was conducted in compliance with the NMFS Research Permit No. 21371-01 and under contract to the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Results of this study will inform regulations to mitigate impacts of commercial fishing, vessel traffic, and wind energy development on right whales and other large whales protected under the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act.

MMPA Permit #21371-01