These Girl Scout Juniors from Dallas, Texas are promoting alternatives to single-use plastics. In this video, the girls share five simple ways that you can use less plastic to help the Earth and its ocean creatures. Take their anti-plastics pledge in honor of Earth Day this month!
Winter Hawaiian Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Survey
During the WHICEAS 2020 survey, the scientific crew of the NOAA R/V Oscar Elton Sette conducted a line-transect survey for cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and seabirds offshore of the main Hawaiian Islands. This winter season survey was conducted from mid-January through mid-March and included simultaneous visual observations and passive acoustic monitoring to record vocalizing cetaceans […]
Section 7 Consultations Are Underway
Under NOAA’s ProTech Fisheries IDIQ contract, Azura is providing Section 7 consultation services for the Southeast Regional Office (SERO) Protected Resources Division (PRD) in partnership with Salus Resources Inc., a service-disabled veteran owned small business. SERO is responsible for the management, conservation, and protection of living marine, estuarine, and anadromous species and their habitats found […]
Azura Is a NOAA ProTech Fisheries Contractor
Azura was awarded NOAA’s ProTech Fisheries IDIQ contract to provide professional and technical services to NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) which is responsible for stewardship of the United States’ ocean resources and their habitat. Our Team includes experts in marine mammals, sea turtles, benthic habitats, large-scale program and project management, coastal environmental management, […]
Marine Mammal Surveys Completed off French Guiana
Since December 2018, Azura has been working with the Cohabys – Adera team for Créocéan to conduct marine mammal surveys off French Guiana prior to and during oil and gas drilling operations. Two types of surveys were conducted. The large-scale survey aimed to collect data on the presence and distribution of marine mammals, as well […]